[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Your music is part of my life. I listen to it regularly to meditate, walk in nature, or when I feel I need inner peace...
It soothes me, inspires me, brings me in a state of joy, compassion, wonder. How wonderful ! Thank you everything.
Lionel Baccou, Salon de Provence, FRANCE (November 6, 2016)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
I am hospitalized, without being able to move. I listened to your music this morning and I was surrounded with Light and serenity. Thank you, thanks to you I feel calm.
Patricia, Rennes, FRANCE (January 16, 2016)
Thank youfor this gift, it is a blessing. It helps me to find inner peace.
Deliwe - Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA (Sept. 14, 2015)
Thank you for your wonderful music, as the instrument of God to raise the vibration of this plane. God bless you. I meditate with your music. Thank you. I wish you come to my country, Mexico. Blessings.
Concepción Perea - MEXICO (Aug. 30, 2015)
Thank you for your fantastic music. I am suffering from chronic headaches. Doctors can not
find the cause.When I hear Frederic Delarue's music I feel better.
I wish God always inspires and protects Frederic Delarue.
Effie - Athens, GREECE (July 7, 2015)
I just purchased the CD "Eyes of Your
Heart" and I am moved to tears whenever I listen to this song/music in my
meditation. Truly the eyes of my heart are opening and a level of heart
blindness is fading. Thank you Frederic for your expression of love and beauty!!
Marilyn Terrazas - Fair Oaks, CA, USA (Feb 27, 2015)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hello Frederic, thank you for your music... it is divine! I'll do everything for this music reaches most people possible...
A very big Thank You.
Zakia Harbi - Alger, ALGERIA (Sept. 5, 2014)
This music heals, it allows you to heal. It touches your heart and soul so deeply that you are able to reconnect as one, one
Great music for children as well.
Bernadette - Ontario, CANADA (August 26, 2014)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hello and thank you, thank you thousand times for this magical music.
Each time I listen to it, I feel vribrations in "all" my bodies and Love flowing in and around me.
Daniéla - Lille, FRANCE (July 16, 2014)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
I came to your website after hearing your testimonial about your Near-Death Experience. It looks like my Life has finally found a true sense.
How to tell you thank you for this, in a world where the unbalance takes a big place.
You give hope to a better life, but most importantly, a reconnection with ourselves.
Thank you thousand times and I wish you a long and beautiful journey on your magnificent mission.
Chantale Morin - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA (July 4, 2014)
I have a little girl who is almost 7 and has for the last few months told me her secret, which is that she is an angel
and goes often to the Heavens. This is the only music which soothes her and she says that this is the music they have in Heaven.
She is extremely spiritual and is teaching me so much. Thank you for this music it is truely a gift from God.
Jen - Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS (March 14, 2014)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Thank you..., this music raises the vibration of your soul, I felt it like a breath... of peace and love that heal my heart. With love
Catherine Delannoy - Ternuay-Melay, Haute-Saone - FRANCE (January 11, 2014)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
I have discovered your music by pure fate (= synchronicity). One night before bed, I put your Musical Rapture to help me sleep.
But I didn't sleep as all i was hearing was the Angels in your music that kept my attention. I told myself "God and His Angels" are in this music, its so beautiful.
The next morning, i went to your website and read your story. Indeed, the Angels are here. Thank you Frederic.
Your music helps me get closing to God and the Angels.
Sylvie Dionne - St-Gabriel-de-Kamouraska, Québec - CANADA (January 7, 2014)
After reading the last chapter of Eyes of Your Heart, I listened to the CD. The music was beautiful. When I looked up, I
saw 11:11. The angels were communicating to me. Thank you Frederic for your wonderful truth and open heart.
Meliss Mills - Lakemoor, Illinois - USA (January 6, 2014)
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to you for this celestial, healing Musical Rapture. I feel the music
as if it is orchestrated light within my body. I feel the angels all around me and the energy seems to grow the more I listen. I believe it intensifies my
meditations and somehow creates a focus that draws healing and loving energy to me. What a wonderful gift! I have shared it often. You, as well as your
music, are a gift to humanity. May the angels forever continue to bless you. Eternal Love and Gratitude.
Linda - New Smyrna Beach, Florida - USA (October 16, 2013)
I work as a therapist and I have given your cd "Musical Rapture" to many a client, with amazing results!
The music heals from within and helps me in my work! Thank you!
Markus - Falkenberg - SWEDEN (October 8, 2013)
Dear Frederic, I want to share with you this testimonial and thank you again from the bottom of my heart
for offering your music and your own testimonial in your book.
My right hand was hurting very bad, and no "conventional" medicine was able to provide any relief.
I was already listening to your music, mostly for the calm that it radiates.
One day while listening to ‘Soaring with the Angels,’ something incredible happened. I talked to God with humility and sincerity, and I felt His powerful Presence for quite a long time. When I woke up, on the last song of the album, the pain had totally disappeared from my hand. And never came back since. I wanted you to know that.
Catherine - St Nom la Bretèche - FRANCE (October 4, 2013)
After listening to this beautiful music, I began to cry all day, and I realized I was releasing some deep sadness, that was
within my being....and I no longer need to be carrying around. Thank you, I play this healing music often and have introduced others to it as well. Thank you for such profound beauty.
Julia - Taos, New Mexico (October 4, 2013)
I purchased Voyage of the Soul at the Village Feast in Palm Springs about 7 or 8 years ago. Listened to it a few times and put
it away. I now meditate on a regular basic and and listen to your CD. It takes me
right to where I want to go. Thank You for being you. Love joy and peace
Steve Harris - Palm Springs, CA - USA (August 30, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
I wanted to thank you for this beautiful music that touches my heart. I had a post breast cancer and was listening to your music every single day.
My daughter put it on my ipod so I could listen to it while doing chemotherapy. It was comforting and calming. I suggest to all of those who have cancer, who live with daily stress, or who
have any kind of sadness in their hearts, to listen to this beautiful heartfelt music and let go of it all. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be able to download
this music for free. One does not always have the financial liberty to buy music that gives so much greatness.
Linda - Sherbrooke, Quebec - CANADA (August 27, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Portuguese]
I have used the music from the album Musical Rapture with patients of my clinic in Psychology and also in meditation groups that I coordinate with much success. But yesterday I had a great surprise. I coordinate once a month meditation walks in the Labyrinth. Yesterday I was intuitively guided to use your music. To my surprise new people currently dealing with some type of cancer showed up to the meditation.
They commented on the lightness and well-being felt in meditation and especially with the music. I told them the story of channelling the album and gave them your link to download the music. I was very happy to be the channel of so much Grace for these people. Thank you Very Much for your work of LIGHT.
Rose Lane Romero - Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL (August 4, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hello, The first time I listened to Frederic's music, I could feel a loving energy flowing through all the cells of my body, and tears came down.
This was a magical experience !! Thank you Frédéric for the magical love that your music bring forth, at all levels !!
Valérie Corboz - SWITZERLAND (June 17, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Wonderful, listening to this celestial music moves me so much... i dream to find this world of peace, beauty, kindness and silence...
Thank you for sharing it, thank you to the Celestial Realm and its angels to guide my path. Deep gratitude.
Chantal Horbiter - Genova, SWITZERLAND (June 1, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Your music talked to my heart from the very first notes and it was like a "Symphony of Light."
The Grace of your melodies is truly Enchanting ! Thank you for these gifts !
Madeleine Marie DAVAINE - Mandelieu la Napoule, FRANCE (February 13, 2013)
Sending you Frederic, Divine Love.Much love and light....you are a great soul! You are greatly appreciated also.
Christine - WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Feb. 4, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Thank you Frederic for all these infos (newsletter Feb 2013). There is so much hope and truth.
The conscious of a new World/Era has begun and it is thanks to people like yourself that the world is changing, thanks to your music
which give messages of unconditional love. A big thank you to you. With love and peace.
Brigitte Osternaud - Cran Gévrier, Haute-Savoie, FRANCE (Feb. 4, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Being handicapped in a wheel chair (tetraplegic), and depressed since my husband's passing from a cancer about 8 months ago, someone made me listen a month ago "MUSICAL RAPTURE."
When I listen to it, a instant well being feeling comes in me.
I recommend this music. It's wonderful, magnifique, I dont get bored playing it over and over and it helps me when my mood needs it.
Evelyne Santinelli - Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA (Feb. 4, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Flemish]
Thanks to Frederic Delarue I had tremendous benefit from his free CD.
A little bump grew in my left hand already a year (I had a cyst removed in my right hand the year before)
Almost every day I listened to his CD, and yes, the bump became smaller and smaller and now I don’t feel it anymore.
1000x thanks
[ORIGINAL VERSION] Dank zij Frederic Delarue heb ik al veel gehad aan zijn gratis cd .
Een bobbeltje groeide al een jaar in mijn linkerhand ( had vorig jaar een ingreep van cyste rechterhand )
Bijna elke dag luisterde ik naar zijn cd , en ja , het bobbeltje minderde en minderde en nu voel ik het niet meer .
1000x dank !
Nancy - BELGIUM (January 14, 2013)
Your music is so very, very beautiful ! I am 71 years of age and feel so blessed to have found your music to listen to.
I've purchased and downloaded on my ipod a majority of your album music from itunes, to listen to various times, even while sleeping.
Please continue to keep making new music albums. Thank you for letting us purchase it by
individual MP3 player songs instead of only by album. Besides making me feel better emotionally and physically while listening to your music, it makes me feel closer to God's Angels, whom are important in my life. God's Blessings to You! Thank you!
Carolyn - Camanche, Iowa - USA (Jan 13, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
It has been a long time since i was looking for such music that helps the soul to soar, that cleans from inside out. A music that energizes and calms at the same time.
Bravo for this beautiful angelic inspiration. Until now i only listened to the free music online, but I guess all the other CDs must all be as haunting. Thank you.
Sylvie Laflamme - Adstock, Quebec - CANADA (Jan. 2, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Spanish]
Thanks Frederic for being an instrument of God and send us your message of love through this wonderful music. It manifests itself in different forms for all the receptive and sensitive souls to receive its message, through this beautiful music and recognize the message that God wants us to transmit, a message of love, peace, Light and Harmony ... You are God's gift to the New Era, a messenger of the Divine .... Blessings and a thousand thanks.
[ORIGINAL VERSION] Gracias Frederic por ser un instrumento de
Dios y transmitirnos Su mensaje de Amor a traves de esta maravillosa Musica, El
se manifiesta de diferentes formas para que todas las almas puedan recibir Su
mensaje, a traves de esta bellisima musica las almas receptivas y sensibles
pueden reconocer el mensaje que Dios nos quiere transmitir, un mensaje de Amor,
Paz, Luz y Armonia...Eres un regalo de Dios para la Nueva Era, un mensajero de
lo Divino....Bendiciones y Mil Gracias !!!!!
Isabel - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA (Jan. 1, 2013)
I am not writing about your music but about your book, which I just bought from Amazon.
I haven't finished it yet, but I just need to tell you how much it touches me. It's as if I were reading my own emotions, doubts, feelings, joys - as if I were reading my own HEART! It's so
comforting to know that there IS someone in this world who feels and thinks and is BEING just like me. Thank you!
Paula - Ravennna - ITALY (Jan. 1, 2013)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Spanish]
Last month I had a surgery. I was terrified. The truth is that i never had a surgery of the uterus before. I was afraid of cancer etc. A friend of mine, more than a friend,
my soulmate Rosy from Mexico sent me the page of your website to download the Musicalal Rapture MP3.
I listened and i was facinated. A few days before my operation i went to see my gynecologist and I was surprise that they had the music to listen while you wait. The surgery went well, it was two pollyps and I am perfect now.
I am still listening to the music because it transports me to a different place especially when you play that piano part. Thank you Frederic for your beautiful music.
[ORIGINAL VERSION] El mes pasado me operaron y estaba
aterrada, pues la averdad que nunca habia tenido niguna operacion y mas de
utero, el miedo al cancer etc, una amiga mia, mas que una amiga, mi alma gemela
Rosy de Mexico me mando la pagina para que me descargara este tema Musical
Rapture MP3, la escuche y me fascino, es mas unos dias antes de la operacion fui
a ver a mi ginecologo y vaya la tenian de musica de ambiente alli, y tambien la
escuche varias veces por tv, todo esto antes de operarme, la operacion fue un
exito solo eran dos polipos y estoy perfectamente, sigo escuchandola pues me
fascina,me trasporta a otro lugar sobre todo cuando llega la parte del piano,
gracias Frederic por tu hermosa musica.
Marian - Cambrils - Tarragona - SPAIN (Dec. 21, 2012)
I fell in love with your music the day I first discovered it. It was "Musical Rapture - A Healing Gift to humanity."
It was as if this piece was made just for me. It is so smooth, uplifting and divine. I have downloaded it to my laptop and I often listen to it as I work on my computer. It does so
much good to my brainwaves and my soul. Thank you so much for this amazing gift you have Frederic. Much love.
Marie Ippodimonte - Sydney, AUSTRALIA (Dec. 11, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
I received an email about "Musical Rapture" from a Spanish friend. The story moved me a lot. I am from Brazil but living in Switzerland.
I listened to the music all day on Saturday and downloaded it on Sunday. On Dec. 10, 2012, at about 8:00, I heard a light noise coming from the kitchen,
while listening to the music. My eyes caught something unusual, My diamond bottle of water started to move, as it seems there was something in the water.
I placed the bottle on a plate and started to film. Watch what happened in 4 small movies that I posted on YouTube: http://youtu.be/I-CveJPLsAy
Thank you very much for this moment.
Corina Ebiner - Sion, SWITZERLAND (Dec. 10, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Spanish]
Thank you for your wonderful music. It's a gift to Humanity ! Infinite Blessings for the Love of God. Thank you.
[ORIGINAL VERSION]Gracias por tan maravillosa música.. en
verdad es un regalo para la humanidad.. Bendiciones infinitas del Amor de Dios en su corazón.. Gracias
Indra - MEXICO (Nov. 15, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hello Frederic, I am not a fan of this type of music. However one day a coincidence made me listen to it.
I am still so moved by it, because of the emotions and inner peace I felt. This is normally the kind of music I would zap because not my thing.
But your music, I listen to it every day. You are blessed.
Je ne suis pas du tout fan de ce genre de musique. Je suis tombé dessus par hasard et j'ai voulu tenter cette écoute.
J’en suis encore bouleversé tellement les émotions m'ont pris et tellement je me sent en paix intérieurement. C’est
pourtant le genre de musique que j'ai vite à zapper, car pas mon style du tout.
Mais la tienne je l'écoute tous les jours. tu es béni
Didier, Angoulême - FRANCE (Nov. 13, 2012)
I am in such gratitude for your music and want you to know I listen every night to The Musical Rapture ...ever since Patricia Cote-Robles sent me your story.
I am immediately de-stressed. Merci. You are Love!
Karina L., San Clemente, CA - USA (Nov. 8, 2012)
Hi Frederic, I bought all your albums a couple of months ago. I love instrumental music and have derived much pleasure from your music. I listen in the car, home and my
truck during the work day, sometimes even while I am drifting off to sleep, it brings me great peace.
Thank you. My favourite is 'Symphony of Light.
Jeff, Sydney - AUSTRALIA (Nov. 8, 2012)
I like your music so much.. since I listened a first one I have been listening now maybe all of them.
Thank you so much... I wish you all the best.
Daniela, Alberta - CANADA (Nov. 1, 2012)
Frederic, when I braved going on stage at IANDS 2012 Conference to sample your healing, my first thought was the arthritis in my hips.
The energy and power that flowed through your hands when you placed them on my shoulders was outrageous;
I've never felt that concentrated unconditional Loving strength on Earth.
I then felt a wave of love flowing through everyone carried by the music you played.
My arthritis? well, not only was it in my hips, but my fingers, toes, neck and hands.
My hips are feeling fine, I have more motion in my neck and right now, my fingers are more limber and without pain!
Thank you for your one of a kind healing you passionately deliver. (Entire testimonial can be read on my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/delaruefrederic
Annie Palmer, Washougal, WA - USA (Sept 20, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Listening to music ... I felt as if you were in contact with the angels, who are God's assistants. Felt an inner peace.
[Original VERSION] Ouvindo a musica... senti como se estivesse em contato, com os anjos, que sao os auxiliares de Deus.senti uma paz interior e implorei para Deus me dar paz eterna.
Neuza de Vasconcellos, Cascavel, BRAZIL (August 19, 2012)
Dearest Frederic & Angels,
I listen to your Musical Rapture CD every morning while I do yoga and adore the peace and beauty it brings. Pure joy.
Thank you so much for making my mornings divine.
Minna Andersen, Helsinki, FINLAND (June 18, 2012)
Special music gets me connected to cosmos. Your music does it to me, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Meire Navarro Fujioka, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL (June 7, 2012)
Thank you Frederic for the loving music and videos, they spread love across the word thru the intenet, which we all need and need to share. thank you for hearing and obeying.
Laura, Tennesee, USA (June 6, 2012)
Dear Frederic, I have just watched your beautiful video of the Hummingbird's Birth. How wonderful!
I had tears in my eyes. Frederic, You were Truly Blessed. Thank You so very much for sharing.
Natasha, Rhondda Valleys, South Wales, UNITED KINGDOM (May 2, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hi, This music awakens the heart chakra, it is wonderful. Thank you.
[Original VERSION] Bonjour, Cette musique éveille le chakra du coeur, elle est donc merveilleuse! Merci.
Jean-Michel Homo, Mazamet, FRANCE (February 24, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Music in harmony with all my entire Being and who resonates with each cell of my body. Wonderful ! Thank you Frederic
[Original VERSION] Musique en harmonie avec tout mon etre et qui fait vibrer chaque cellule de mon corps. SUBLIME!! Merci Frédéric
Bernadette LIENHARDT, Sessenheim, FRANCE (February 8, 2012)
I love the music and play it every night. But I want to quote the words of a 6 year old boy to his mother when he heard the music (with no explanation.)
Betty Phillips, Ph.D., Pittsboro, North Carolina, USA (February 5, 2012)
Beloved Frederic,
Your music awakens the Hearts of the multitudes of the masses of humanity and all living beings into the Highest Awareness that all Life is LOVE the cause alone, the Sacred Tone.
Blessings and in deepest graitude.
Pamela Libonati, Napa, California, USA (February 5, 2012)
Thanks, Frederic, for these newsletters, and especially for the pointers on increasing one's intuition. I play your music as background during my meditations. It's so inspiring. Blessings,
Royal Burke, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA (January 22, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in Czech]
You have a beautiful soul, and when I listen to your music, I was crying because the your music opens up the sky and I realize, that I'm out there.
I felt at home and I know and I look forward to the time again I'll go back.
The music is like being washed with spring rain of sunshine. Thank you for this powerful experience.
[Original VERSION]
Máte nádhernou du;ši a pri poslechu Va;ší
hudby jsem se rozplakala, protože ta Va;še hudba otevírá nebe a já si uvědomuji,
že jsem tam někde už byla DOMA a že to tam znám a těším se, až se tam opět
vrátím. Až jsem se vyplakala, měla jsem i já du;ši c(istou, jako když ji omyje
jarní de;štík prozáŕený sluncem. Děkuji za tento silný zážitek. Mrzí mne,že
neumím anglicky.
Květoslava Snášelová, Prostejov, CZECH REPUBLIC (January 20, 2012)
I really want to thank you for your kindness and generosity in giving us the exquisite music of Rapture.
It has become my favourite piece to play as I unwind and seek to find the Peace that passeth all understanding.
Rachel, Toronto, CANADA (January 7, 2012)
I thank you Frederic from my heart to yours for the co-creation of the Healing Music for Humanity.
I go to sleep to it every night, and have it playing when I am reading/practising Spiritual things on the computer, as I find it enhances the experience. It has encouraged me to do (almost) daily morning meditations, too, which I was having trouble committing to.
I feel soooo much better now, both in body and Spiritually, all thanks to you. My Angel Guides have said they are very pleased with my progress, so I am happy to have feedback on this. Your music allows me to feel, from my Heart. Thank you so much.
Sylvia Liney, Sydney, AUSTRALIA (January 5, 2012)
Dearest Frederic, I can feel the angelic energy of your music. It brings smiles to my heart. I read your article on developing intuition and I would like to see you continue. Your information is right on with people who are not aware this is one of their natural abilites. I have been intuitive all my life and I am seeing more of the world accepting this and curious about it. Thank you so very much for all you so blessedly are. Much love.
Peggy Watkins, Saint Paul, Oregon USA (January 5, 2012)
I just LOVE your music, Frederic, as it touches my heart and my very soul! It is the most beautiful music I have ever heard, & makes me feel calm, centered and peaceful.
Whenever I feel off balance, I will listen to one of your CD's, & I can, once again, feel centered.
Carole Daly, Fredericksburg, VA - USA (January 4, 2012)
Cher Frederic! I did listen to your "Healing Gift to Humanity" for several times now - for me it intensly opened paradise. These heavenly vibrations are experienced by every cell of my body! Merci beaucoup pour ca et salutations de coeur.
Barbara Putz, Vienna, AUSTRIA (January 3, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Frederic, I discovered your music a couple of days ago. I am touched and moved at the same time...
Your inspired music brings me warmth, and fulfills me with trust in the short moments of doubts, it goes right inside of my body, which makes me feel an instant feeling of well being! I listen to it with this extreme spiritual sensitivity.
Being a healer, I have burnt your CD 'Healing Gift to Humanity' and I am going to offer it to my patients. Thank you for that! Thank you to all the wonderful Beings that inspire you to compose this great music. Angelically yours.
Carole Bannwarth, Ingersheim - Alsace, FRANCE (January 3, 2012)
I gratefully downloaded the amazing music, listened to it the first night with ear phones and slept like a baby.
Since that night I've had the disc playing when I am driving and I've noticed a distinct calming and feeling of awareness of others humanity. The music takes away any anxiety or frustration with other drivers and causes me to focus in a positive manner. I am so grateful for this gift, I have told a friend suffering from cancer about this.His wife and he are listening to it through out their days.
He is reporting that he is feeling better now. Thank you God has truly Blessed you with this Gift.
Jill Mosher, Santa Barbara, USA (January 1, 2012)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Frederic, A musical simplicity that touches by its calm and depth, Love and the talent of a personal musical expression, by its warm frequency and its human vibration... Just what we all need right now. Thank you.
Mireille Damant, Saint-Raphael, Var, FRANCE (December 21, 2011)
Encontre por curiosodad esta bella musica, y la escuche, desde entonces la escucho todos los dias. Bendicion para todos un abrazo de corazones.
Gladys Guerra, CHILE (December 19, 2011)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Dear Frederic, I thank you with all my heart and soul, for your music MUSICAL RAPTURE, that gave me tears of joy the first time i listened to it in summer 2011. This music is wonderful and celestial and my heart and soul and all cells of my body vibrate to this music... This celestial music became my spiritual drug. It is to me a musical Masterpiece that produces lots of joy. Thank you for your generosity for making it available for free. You are blessed. You have co-created a web of unconditional love for our beautiful planet and I wish your music opens the heart of human beings.
Frederique Fernandez, Marseille, FRANCE (December 16, 2011)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful music. I listen to it every morning, it calms my heart and rejoices my soul...
Isabelle Trichard, Mauguio, FRANCE (December 14, 2011)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
A true gift from Heaven!!! It is simply DIVINE!!! Thank you.
Yamina Khennouchi, Metz, FRANCE (December 6, 2011)
Since i have had extensive cancer on my face and have been treating it for four years with just lately a turn around for the better, your music has come to help me more than anything else. i've made my peace with God and man. i love now
Laura, Clarkrange, Tennessee, USA (December 2, 2011)
Dearest Frederic- I send my heartfelt LOVE and Gratitude to you for sharing your beautiful talent of healing music for all of us. I listen to Musical Rapture each morning as I pray. I send my special wishes at this transitional period that you enjoy all the abundant blessings of love and peace as we move forward to a world of sharing and caring. I love and appreciate you.
Mary La Mura, New Jersey, USA (December 1, 2011)
[ENGLISH VERSION of the testimonial written in French]
Hello, this Music is extra-ordinary of Divine Beauty , it is magnificent, a true Gift of Love ... I have been diagnosed with cancer and I will let you inform of the well being impact of your Music. Thank you to those from here and beyond to have given this Gift to Humanity. I had myself a NDE in 1996. Thank you!
Claire Mosnier, Haute-Loire, FRANCE (November 17, 2011)
[Translated from French]
During a 'Hemi Sync' workshop, we have listened your CD "Waves of Love" and all members were moved with tears in the eye.
We bought this CD and listened to it every day before and after our meditation time.
This music brings forth an extraordinary vibratory level to us. I thank you for sharing it your Celestial Music.
I know each time it plays, it brings forth love and peace in the world.
Claude Provencher, Nouveau Brunswick, CANADA (November 11, 2011)
Thank You, for having me download your music. I release something every time I play it. Much love to you.
Eva Jonasson, Stockholm, SWEDEN (November 1, 2011)
Dear Frederic, God Bless you and Joao for "Musical Rapture". I love this music so much. I have it downloaded to my ipod and meditate while at the beach grounding myself. one of my favorite things to do is play Musical Rapture to bless my water. After I fill my bottles with filtered water I place them in front of my computer, I play the music for an hour then the water is structured with a triple breath blessing. Thank you for coming to America and sharing your gifts...God's Love unto you.
Darlene Harland, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA (November 1, 2011)
Apenas te vi en la foto, sentí una sensación emocional muy fuerte, como ganas de llorar, sentí tu energía divina...
ya estaba sonando la música que se sumó a la música que transmites desde tu alma... es amazing!! creo en la magia de ese sentimiento tan noble que llamamos amor! gracias por existir, y darnos tu experiencia de vida que sé nos ayuda a todos los seres humanos!! besos a tu alma!
Translation in English: As soon as I saw your picture I feel a emotional sensation very strong i feel like I want to cry, i feel your energy divine, I was dreaming of your music and the music you transmit from your soul ...so amazing!!
I believe in the magic of the your feelings to be very humble, which we call love.
Thank you for existing and giving us your experience of life, which helps all humans beings! Kisses to your Soul!
Marita Vallejos Fleita, Corientes, ARGENTINA (October 22, 2011)
Dear Frederic, Thank you for the wonderful music thats is deeply touching and healing. Thanks also for the free download of "Musical Rapture". Gratitude. Heart to Heart.
Angelika Nada, Horw, Switzerland - EUROPE (October 12, 2011)
Musical Rapture is simply beautiful. Thank you
Gail, Walzenhausen, Switzerland - EUROPE (October 2, 2011)
Dear Beautiful Frederic,
You were sent from Heaven by the Angels to us souls here on Earth who were soooo lonely for love and caring and truth. Thankyou, thankyou with all my heart for showing up for me! I was sad and lost and KNEW there was a reason somehow for everything and I heard your beautiful music and my eyes teared up and I felt Bliss at the same time! Your book is beautiful and it lets me see YOU. You are so Loved and appreciated Beyond.
Cyndi, Moorpark, California - USA (September 20, 2011)
Beautiful... beautiful music! It is like visiting the innocent, the untainted part of me, as that of a child... also, so very like truly falling in love....that very essence..it is difficult to explain - until it is felt...I felt it.
Christine Chandler - AUSTRALIA (September 19, 2011)
Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Your sounds and arrangements are penetrating and quiet, yet brings a stirring reminder of who we are and what we will be.
Bettie Blecke, Bloomingdale, Illinois - USA (September 12, 2011)
Frederic- you have forever changed my life with your music! I just ordered your soul C/D and I can't wait- I have been asking my angels to help connect me to source- so this is an answer to my prayers.
Thank you for being here and being you.
Cyndi, Ventura County, California - USA (September 8, 2011)
I just love it, what more can I say!!! I have shared it on facebook, and family and they also love it. It is fantastic music to meditate to. It takes you directly to the heart. Thank you from my heart.
Gurli Thorsen, Helsingør - DENMARK (September 5, 2011)
What you wrote about changing one's name (in your newsletter) was beautiful. Thank you for your insight and clarity. I enjoy your newsletters and music. They fulfill me. Blessings to you.
Dede Utzinger, Bermuda Dunes, California - USA (September 5, 2011)
Magnificent , wonderful. Thank you for this beautiful gift. I send you all my human love.
Patricia Ringert, Bordeaux, France (August 27, 2011)
You are so gifted!!! It is so awesome that you share your most amazing talent with everyone. Your music will bring so much Peace and JOY to the WORLD!!! We need this calmness in our lives now. Thank You.
Mary Davis - Manchaca, Texas USA (August 27, 2011)
Thanks and best wishes from China!
ZH - Beijing, CHINA (August 22, 2011)
I sleep with it...it calms me I love it so much. I am also a Hospice Caregiver
Rosalind - Rockford, Michigan USA (August 9, 2011)
Thank you Frederic for the gift of your music. "Muscial Rapture" has truly been a blessing to me. It soothes my spirit and soul with the sweetness of its serene touch! Thank you for being both obedient and generous for the benefit of ALL!
Trisha Hogan - Palm Springs, USA (August 6, 2011)
Listening this marvelous music help me to take inspiration to recognize my soul, when I am painting. I am creativity, I am intuition, I am imagination......
Thank you so much! Light, peace and love,
Emma Cecilia - Honduras, CENTRAL AMERICA (August 6, 2011)
Listening to 'A healing for Humanity' takes me in a different dimension, i feel myself very light, caressed, and my soul is like touched
from God's Love, understanding in every cells of my body, the real reason that we are living to : Love in its every manifestation.
I tasted only a drop of the huge God's Love...
Patrizia - Perugia, ITALIA (August 1, 2011)
The music inspired me and the words for this poem came while I listened. I felt blessed and want to share it.
Nature's Gifts
I saw beauty today,
In the spiral web of a spider,
Glistening in the twilight.
The symmetry of a butterfly,
Floating among the flowers,
The soundless flight of the hummingbird,
The Red bud tree leaves,
Dancing in the wind.
All around the color of,
Nature splashes the mountain,
Purple, red, pink and yellow,
Blooms entice the birds,
With their scent.
The purr of a Cat content,
To lie in the sun,
The pending sound of crickets,
Harmonizing in sync with,
The setting sun spreading,
Its ray?s through expanses of cloud.
I saw beauty today,
In the spiral web of a spider,
Glistening in the twilight.
Linda Strom Medvitz - Lakeside, California USA (July 30, 2011)
This music "Musical Rapture" made me have a vision of an opening in heaven when it revealed it self to me I knew it was pure vibrational love tears flowed nonstop and I felt the waves of love and light flowing over me again and again Then a golden path appeared and saw thousands of people entering the heavens it was an unexplainable experience full of love
Nelly - Queensland AUSTRALIA (July 14, 2011)
Every time I listen to your "Musical Rapture" music,I cry, then after a while, I feel like I am suspended in a comfortable void, in a limitless space, and want to stay there!..
Thank you for such Blessed music.
Eunice - USA (July 6, 2011)
Frederic, thank you so much for your generous gift to humanity of Musical Rapture, a Healing Gift to Humanity.
Having visited the south of France last year, to all the Magdalene sites, it has me in ecstasy when I hear your music. It all comes back to me with absolute
clarity and transportation to the angelic realms. Bless you for sharing this with us all.
Barbara Stone - Victoria - AUSTRALIA (July 4, 2011)
Thank you Frederic for the beautiful free music "Musical Rapture". I am finding that many enlightened people are doing more and more for free to help with the awakening. Thank you again.
Ellen S. - Floral Park, NY - USA (July 4, 2011)
I love how you have brought so many spiritual people out of the woodworks to really show their true souls with your
heavenly music and loving spirit. My heart is so happy and thankful for you.
God Bless you and the Angels.
Debbie Britt Hill - New Hampshire, USA (June 30, 2011)
Thank you so much for Musical Rapture! I've never have had such an experience listening to the music such as this.
It is very healing! I could feel it in my solar plexus or "gut" like a massage. Beautiful, beautiful!
Joann Avery - WA, USA (June 30, 2011)
Listening to "Music Rapture", I am filled with tears of joy, truth, remembrance, knowing, vibrations and my heart
expanding with so much love and light it is beyond words. I work with Angels and this music is like feeling them fully present by my side and within every cell
of my being. The music feels like "Homecoming" Thank you for this amazing gift.
I am deeply grateful to you, Joao, the Angels. God Bless you and infinite Angel hugs of love love love.
Maria Kramer - NY, USA (June 27, 2011)
The "Musical Rapture -A Healing Gift to Humanity" is so beautiful and makes me feel like my spirit is floating! :)
The first time I heard it, I was overcome with tears and felt like I was finally able to release old painful memories that kept me "stuck in the past". I have
shared it with people suffering from cancer and others who I know will benefit...Thank you sooo much for making this composition available to us at no
charge! As a musician myself, I applaud you for sharing your creative talents and your divine intuition to help so many people in need! Light, Love & Great
Blessings to you! :)
Wendy - Punta Gorda, Florida, USA (June 26, 2011)
I want to thank you very much for being this channel for Joao's incredible gift to Humanity - this Healing music.
...For the last month or so i have been searching for special soulful healing music and would search the net, but when i
received this music yesterday i knew this was it! I feel so much better today
for it has been hard the last years because of the shifts and changes we are going through. I feel we are being blessed by listening to
this music in these times. God Bless you and Patricia and her family and Joao.
Much love & light - and a Huge Thank you to all the Angels!!
Ronel - Hermanus, SOUTH AFRICA (June 25, 2011)
Frederic, Mon Dieu! was the statement or should I say words that came to me as I started
to listen. Every hair on my body rose up in the glory of the beautiful sounds
that engulfed me. I found myself spreading my wings and flying with my family
and in those wings I embrace you and feel you energy, pain, joy and beautiful
'Thank you' are just but words as they do not do justice, so I place the energy
of my feelings in this mail to you for you to share, as I know you will receive
In light and joy in the journey of our transitions of life.
I am humbled.
Lynne - NEW ZEALAND (June 25, 2011)
Hoy ha llrgado a mi, esta musica que ha
aconmovido mi alma y todo mi ser, gracias infinitas por la inmensa bondad y amor
incondicional de Federic por compartir esta maravilla, Gracias
infinitas.Sinceramente desde mi corazon, Namaste-
Rita Bernardi - Santa Fe, ARGENTINA (June 25, 2011)
I've been suicidal most of my life because I wanted to go HOME...not Earth...
I'm not that way now. I know my purpose is to bring HOME here.
Hearing your music, I IMMEDIATELY began sobbing tears of JOY... OF REMEMBERING HOME.
Thank you for sharing this gift...I am passing it on to all I know.
Caroline McIntosh - Prov. of Ontario, CANADA (June 24, 2011)
I have listened to Frederic’s music now for months and it daily protects and refreshes the essence of my soul.
This music to me is like a waterfall of love that flows into my soul bathing my spirit with peace that brings rest to my soul.
This is the happiest I have been in my life. I am grateful to God and his Angels who lead me to him.
Thank you Frederic for sharing your life story that gave me inspiration to share your music with others
and spread the spirit of love to others who pass my way.
Margi Inman - Woodland,WA USA (May 13, 2011)
I have discovered your music in Rennes les Bains at friends of Debowska Productions.
Your CD 'Soaring with the Angels' has moved me with a lot of wonderful tears coming from the bottom of my heart and soul.
Your music is very beautiful, moving, and it gives me great goosebumps each time I listen to it.
Thank you for this gift that comes from your great sensitivity.
Sylvie Petitjean - Bar le Duc, France (May 12, 2011) (translated from the French written testimonial)
Just love it! angelic music. Music from God. Just love it.
It makes me feel that life is more than what we see or hear. This music makes me feel good and happy.
It makes me dream, dream, dream...
Marie Cojan, London - UK (April 8, 2011)
You are such a blessing in my life, you've helped me pick myself up when I start feeling depressed.
You are Heaven sent, an Angel we all need. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
God Bless you, Frederic
Debbie Britt Hill, New Hampshire - USA (Fevr. 1, 2011)
Your music is absolutely beautiful and healing. Blessings to you Frederic :)
Claire Hart, Renton, Washington - USA (Jan. 27, 2011)
I first encountered your music when you played at an event I attended in August 2008 in Lake Louise, Canada.
I was so captivated by it that I purchased all your CDs as well as 'Eyes of Your Heart' when you released it.
I cannot begin to tell you what a profound effect playing your music has had on me.
'Dolphins A Message of Love' and 'Eyes of Your Heart' are my two very favorites and I have played both for countless hours on end.
This music is so soothing, so healing and its ability to help me open my heart has been and continues to be PROFOUND.
Marla Rose, Asheville, North Carolina - USA (Nov. 10, 2010)
Hello Frederic,
I would like to say that the beauty and purity of your music has touched me since the first time I heard you at the World Congress of Illumination in Canada
a few years ago. I have a number of your albums, and listen to them most everynight to sleep by.
The thing I want to share is that I have a 2 year old granddaughter that has been exposed to this music since she was born,as I would rock her to sleep with
it whenever she was with me. And now, every time she comes over she goes right to the "blue dolphin CD,"(A Message of Love.) She puts it in the CD player all
by herself, so she can hear the dolphins. I believe she is connected to the Source of this music in a very special way, and for that I thank you so very
I highly recommend your music as a special gift, for all babies and young children...and, of course their parents, too!
Thank you, Frederic, for the gift you give us all!
Hope to see you in Tucson this summer.
ps I took back my maiden name after 40 years of marriage, after hearing your talk in Washinton DC.
Patti Ritt-Junod, California (Nov. 6, 2010)
I simply love this angel,- and dolphin-music :-) It touches my deepest soul.
Sissel, Oslo, Norway (Nov. 3, 2010)
Dear Frederic, I read your newsletters faithfully. They are down to earth and the Music of
The Angels is like Heaven on earth. I want to thank you for sharing and helping
make our lives beautiful. Every time I meet someone with some worries I recommend your Music.
May God and the Angels bless you and your soul with the best respect for whom you are and the ligth and goodness that you
share with us. Thank you sincerely.
Daniele, Moreno Valley, California (Nov. 2, 2010)
Frederic - It's always interesting the way the universe works.
When I need a gentle reminder, in this case, uncluttering, I opened your newsletter and your "unclutter" article appeared.
This as well as your heavenly music enables me to continue to live in the "now" with no worries about what the future may hold.
I treasure you. What you give to the world, and your followers is a gift beyond price.
In love & light,
Dede, California (Oct. 18, 2010)
I was truly touched with the sound of your music and songs. Music can talk. You just proved it.
When I heard the song "A Mind Like an Ocean", I just felt it as if you were playing MY heart's song.
A melody I have had in there for so long. Tears fell... so many emotions just came out from deep inside ...
Music heals. So true! Thank you so so much for sharing your gift with us. Thank you.
Tove K., Denmark (Sept. 9, 2010)
Frederic, I think it is a great idea to place your music in hospitals and also for pain management.
When I listen to your music and close my eyes, I become detached from the world and all the problems.
You have such a gift.
Kathy M., Indio, CA (August 2, 2010)
Your music is incredible, and I do not say this lightly. You are an absolute blessing among us.
When I finally reach the timeless Hall of Records, I know it is your music that I will hear.
Traci, Florida (July 26, 2010)
Frederic's book and CD by the same name have been a learning tool and a blessing in disguise!
Just by staying open to
the ideas put forth in his writing helps me to see more with the eyes of my heart.
Bless you always Frederic and the angels.
Joann, Kent, Washington (July 2, 2010)
Superb music, God bless you, Frederic!
This music sounds like it descends directly from heaven!
Mircea Marinescu (June 24, 2010)
The music you compose with the help of the Angels is beautiful.
It works like balm on my heart and soul.
It helps me to relax, heal adn lift up my spirit.
Lilia A., Banff, Canada (June 10, 2010)
Your newsletter for this month touched me deeply. I reread your book often.
Sometimes I just open the book not to any certain page,finding that is what my soul(heart) wants(needs) to read.
I live alone,only I don't feel alone. I have gone near where I live here to visit the trees. At first it felt"different" not silly though.
I hear it in my thoughts if the chosen tree wishes to communicate. MOre and more all the time I'm finding I'm not alone.
The angels are always communicating in my thoughts. I always notice they don't need alot of words to relay what they say.
I've always had this gift. I met a man where I used to work who had a female voice in his thoughts and I mentioned to him it was a man's voice in my mind. I deeply appreciate the guidance. It doesn't scare me for I sense a knowing of angels.
Thanks for your open heart in guiding me and others on our paths.
Joann Avery (June 2, 2010)
In December 2004 I visited Palm Springs to attend a seminar.
On one magical evening my partner and I went to a street market. It was a night I will never everforget.
I heard this music in the distance when I went to see where it was coming from, I stood transfixed and feeling overcome with emotions.
I was rooted to the spot not wanting to leave. I bought the cd of messages of love. Two days later my first daughter was conceived.
It is never far from my thoughts that very magical and life changing night. Thank you Frederic.
Jo Pollit, United Kingdom (May 24, 2010)
AquariUS and I met Frederic at the 22nd World Congress on Illumination at Beautiful Lake Louise.
WE asked Frederic (and the Angels) 2 compose "OUR Music" 4 US. OUR Music is SO BEautiful and feels SO good 2 US, as WE listen 2 IT.
When WE drove across the US last year, WE listened 2 IT often and AquariUS could FEEL when the Music was an Expression of ME (AuRoRa) and when IT reflected HIS Spirit...WHAT a WONDERful Way 2 Play with
Each Other and the Angels. Thank U, Frederic 4 "Listening 2 the Angels" and BEing such a Loving Conduit...from THEM 2 US. AuRoRa
PS. AquariUS says, "I realize more of WHO I AM with each listening".
AuRoRa Light (May 13, 2010)
Whenever I listen to your music it takes me to a place of quiet retreat where none of the world cares can reach me.
I feel total bliss and peace. It's as though the Angels reached down and touched my world and made it better.
God has truly blessed me through your music and for this I give thanks.
Catherine S. (April 9, 2010)
YOU & YOUR MUSIC IS DEFINITELY The Most Heavenly & Spiritual I have found on the Internet so Far !
I Feel so close to ALL The ANGELS & GOD ! Its is so Uplifting I feel like I am an Angel !!
Love You & All YOU & All The Gifts of GOD & the Angels you share with US !!
Thanks so much for the Beautiful UP~LIFT of My LIFE ! From now on I will use YOUR MUSIC to
meditate and get thru each day !
AWISHNSTAR (March 29, 2010)
I have just purchased two of your albums, Eyes of Your Heart and DOLPHINS...A MESSAGE OF LOVE and
have to say that listing to Frederic Delarue's music will instantly transport you to a quiet and peaceful
place, The albums are evocative and pulls up emotions from deep within your being, with this celestial music
the only limit is your imagination.
Herman Gonzalez (March 12, 2010)
I will never get tired of listening to your music. I always have my CD's playing. Yes listening
with the heart, it is beautiful, calming, and healing.
Joann Avery (March 2, 2010)
"Frederic, I came by your site by accident or was it? I know I have had an affinity with angels and
spirits since I was young. It was kept supressed for a long time. I have now started to work with and
believe what I feel. I bought 'Soaring with the Angels' which has been a inspiration to me. Everytime
I play it I feel my mother around me more. She is with me all the time, the music is beautiful and uplifting.
I am truly grateful and priviledged to have found your music, which you receive from angels. I have just
completed an order for your book and CD Eyes of Your Heart.
Patricia Charles, Australia (January 2010)
We first purchased your music 4 years ago at Village Fest (Palm Springs) and we were very connected
to you, the composer and the music. This year we purchased "Eyes of Your Heart" and are deeply
touched each time we play it.
The music from all your CD's is so relaxing and peaceful.
My wife is now using "Dolphins" and "Eyes of Your Heart" everyday in her massage practice and her
clients just love the music. The music is truely healing.
My wife was experiencing some emotional times with her son's health and she would play the
"Dolphins" CD over and over until it created a calmness within herself.
Thank you for sharing your gift with us as it has touched our life and lifted our souls.
Steve. S, WA (December 28, 2009)
I just got through reading some of your monthly testimonials. Beautiful to read! It is so easy to "gulp"
the words down like eating too fast. What helps me is when I tell the angels and myself in my thoughts,
"I am grateful, no matter what." I always feel and hear a "loud " yes in my mind. I truly mean this.
The ego always wants more and always will not get enough to satisfy itself with because it is is always
looking outside of itself. This is so true too. Righr now I'm able to listen to the music, The "Eyes
Of Your Heart". Beautiful, I feel it deeply.
Joann, WA (December 27, 2009)
After reading this month's article by Frederic, I am understanding more of what I sometimes experience
in my daily life. Knowing that just because I may not feel on top of the world doesn't mean my life doesn't measure up.
I am finding to surrender to what actually is and not to the"surface" feelings.
J. A. (December 1, 2009)
Una musica che tocca il cuore e accarezza l'anima (= A music that touches the heart and caresses the soul)
Massimo Gandini, Italy (October 17, 2009)
I am so appreciative of your music.
It takes me along on my own journey and your new CD seems to help lift me to the next octave.
The music of the Dolphins helped make the concept of Divine Love a tangible feeling, and now when I listen to Eyes of Your Heart I feel myself wrapped in a blanket of pure peace. Each time I listen I feel something new.
What a valuable gift. Thank you so much
With Loving Gratitude
Linda, Michigan, USA (August 5, 2009)
I am a school teacher and I have found that Frederic Delarue's music has been a most powerful tool in helping students to concentrate and relax.
There are many pressures of learning at school and students are not usually taught how to relax and use their own learning powers to the fullest.
Music is a non-invasive and pleasurable way to help children and adults in their learning.
I use Frederic Delarue's music for personal reflection and growth for myself and others.
I love the affect it has and the atmosphere it creates in calming and opening up unseen doors that bring light and happiness into our personal space.
Thank you Mr. Delarue for sharing your gift and making it available for us to use.
Ines, Australia (August 3, 2009)
Hi Frederic,
I spent 3 days in ... to visit my ex co-worker friend. She has no TV in the guest bedroom, so I remembered to take my personalized CD with me, that you composed for me in 2007.
I want to keep it very special, so I only listen to it on very special occasions.
No words can express the feelings I have when I hear it.
It took me through periods of my entire life, and my heart was filled with happiness and joy to listen to my own music.
I feel sorry for all the people who had not the opportunity to get this personalized CD done yet! They don't know what they miss out! Thank You for making an exeptional beautiful music connected to my name and soul!
I also play all the other CD's from you in my car and in my house. Never can get enough of it.
Maria, California (July 27, 2009)
When my day or thoughts get confusing,lustening to this music does clear my mind.
Helps me realize my place here on planet earth.
Frederic's music is special as I'm a classical music listener. I'm grateful to have it in my home.
Joann, Washington (July 25, 2009)
The vibration I feel when I play Frederic's music is healing. The CD,The Symphony of Light, is very good.
When I took a long trip, I played it while driving and it was a definite uplifter as the miles rolled by.
Joann, Washington (June 10, 2009)
This music is the heart's deepest longing, the music of the ages.
The first time I met Frederic was in October 2008 at The World Congress On Illumination in Lake Louise.
The Congress went for seven days and Frederic had been invited to perform every day and when I first heard
his music, it effected me so much that I started to cry because it opened my heart TO SO MUCH LOVE.
I had never heard such beautiful music in all my life, his music opens the heart and touches the remembrance
of the Divine and where we came from and the heart aches to return home.
When I'm doing my healing work I play his music and get amazing results from my clients they say they get
so much love and peace and beautiful colors appear when they close their eyes.
It is very hard to put the right words to this profound and beautiful music except to say SO MUCH LOVE comes up
when listening.
This music is the heart's deepest longing, the music of the ages.
Thank you Frederic and the Angels FOR SO MUCH LOVE IN YOUR MUSIC
Joy Mills, Sydney, Australia
I have all of your albums and I totally enjoy them, I play your songs frequently on my internet broadcast (www.bluefm.net).
When are you going to release new album? I hope real soon.
J. Dudley
Frederic's music translates to 'peace' for me.
I have all his CD's to date and they are played daily.
Just by his music, I feel he is someone I would want to know personally although that is unrealistic. However, I have many people of his ilk in my life and am grateful.
Maureen Farrell, California
Dear friends,
Last year I was looking for meditation music. Being on a spiritual path for a few years, I am inspired by the depth
of music I am listening. So, by accident I have found Frederic Delarue's music and I was very touched by it.
It is an occasion to open my heart = anahata chakra and feel my divine soul pouring with love and freedom ...
I wish you all feel the same thing.
Happy New Year !
Ioana, Bucarest, Romania
I first heard of you from a very good friend of mine, Mary Ellen angel scribe. When I played the CD "A Mind Like An Ocean",
I felt it deep in my "gut". very powerful. I've always like classical music.
Soaring with the angels also gives me a feeling of contentment and peace.
Reading your story of how it all started, out of body etc.,just resignated deeply within my soul.
I'm also a musician. Now I'm learning the flute. Plan on writing a book about the journeys I've experienced.
I want to finish by sharing what I was given, "May your New Year be more than a one day event".
Joann Avery, Washington
I met you this past Dec. at the Thursday night street market and was immediately drawn to your music.
I bought 2 of your cd's and they are just wonderful. I use them for meditation, Reiki, and often just to drift off
to sleep at night as they are so relaxing. When I went to the Youtube site and listened and watched the video...
the mountain scenes reminded me of superstition mountain just outside of Mesa. I felt such a connection to those mountains...
I really enjoy working with your music and I look forward to acquiring more of your work.
Marylou Terryberry, B.C., Canada
I live in Alabama; have been in Palm Springs, and met you.
No big deal at the time; however, thinking back,It was a big deal.
I love your music; and have bought many of your songs. Will keep up with your music.
Gary, Alabama
The friends I have shared your music with have all been touched deeply.
I love your newsletter. It is very uplifting.
I've loaned my two CD's to one friend and I miss them.
I'll be glad to have them back to help my vibrational energy during this new year! Thank you
Kathy King
Dear Frederic,
Your Music is a guide to enter the World of Love, that we sometimes forget to feel or see.
I wish that the entire World listens to your Music of the Angels.
I love all your Cds and all my family and friends love them too. May you be blessed for ever.
Danielle from California
Being guided to participate at the opening ceremonies at the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination at Lake Louise,
Alberta (I live in Calgary) I was amazed at the preformance by Frederic. During intermission I was able to buy all 6 CD's
he had available there and have been listening to them since. My favorite is "Soaring with The Angels".
It brings me closer to the angelic realms and I find it easier to communicate with them. Thank you
Eva Muller - Kalivoda, Alberta, Canada
The music has helped me to relax, sleep, and feel good about myself, enjoy the surroundings more and more.
Elizabeth O, Canada
I play ALL your CD's on a rotation/shuffle basis a few times a week, especially since the radios are now only
playing Xmas songs ALL DAY LONG and the SAME ones over and over again. Your music is so relaxing, so much so
that I need coffee to stay awake at work :) Looking forward to have you record more CD's/DVD's.
Jeff Berger
I have purchased all your CDS. They are so soothing , relaxing and mentallly invigorating. Thank you!
Layla M. Ovesen, California
I intuitively feel and hear the angels in your music. Blessings!
Joann, Washington
The "Music of The Soul" felt like a true and wonderful confirmation of the Love and Connection we feel for one another.
To make it even richer, we both felt the Blessings of Angelic touch!
We could feel their love and their Blessings to each of us as individuals AND as a couple within the Music itself !
Our "Music of Your Soul" CD is now one of our dearest treasures--and one we know we will enjoy often!
Rodney & Teresa, 'Starcrafts', La Mesa, California
Dear Frederic,
The Music of Your Soul CD I received today is exquisitely beautiful, more so than I could have ever imagined!
I do not have words to describe the healing that occurred in every cell of my being.
At times I felt like I soared and others I plunged to the depths of the sea, becoming part of the expansive Universe,
connecting to the God within me, and embracing my highest potential.
Tears of joy and waves of peace encompassed me as my soul let go and for the first time in my life,
I was able to just be. That is a gift without price and an experience without name.
I thank you from my heart for having the courage to follow your life path to enrich the lives of others
with your magnificent gifts. May you continue to succeed in making a difference in the lives of humanity!
anonymous, UTAH.
Dearest Frederic,
Thank You for honoring us all with your gift ! YOU are touching us all in Canada.
Shelly Bootland, 'World Wellness Spa', Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Thank You Frederic for your powerful music. It goes from heart to heart.
Your concert for 'Cathedral of Angels' on April 14, 2007 in Palm Springs was awesome!!!
Maria B Valosay, Palm Desert, California
I'm a new listener and instant fan of Frederic Delarue.
I now have several of his cd's and each one is beautiful.Laurie Goldman
Frederic your musique of the soul did change ours lives Thank you and God bless you and may the angel bless us thru you.
With Frederic, you are not listening to his music, his music is listening to you.
Pierre & Daniele Perrot, Moreno Valley, California
The 1111 musical experience!
by Debra, Los Angeles. Read more here
A friend recommended my own personalized music CD created by Frederic Delarue
so I ordered one through www.giftplanningwithaheart.com. I can honesty say that
this music touched me in ways I have a hard time understanding I am very moved by
this composition and highly recommend this for anyone looking for something to lift
their spirit!
Alan Rhodes, Santee, California
By chance my wife and I discovered your "Dolphins...Message of love".
Since than we played it over and over again.
Franklin and Mieke Wolff, Luxembourg
Symphony of Light is a masterpiece. I use it for meditation and hiking. I cannot get enough of it.
Thank you, Thank you!
Marilyn S.
Dear Frederic,Namaste from India. Just heard your music samples.They are really
soothing and Heavenly.God Bless you!!! Shahid Khatai, India
Thank you Frederic for the gift of your serene,wonderful music.I listen to it very
often. Look forward to the next one! With love
Margaret Houffelaar, Orange County, California
The purest most spiritual music I've erver heard or felt.
Patricia Berger, Wisconsin
I ordered 'Symphony Of Light' so I now have 3 of these wonderful Cd's.
I play them every day, they are so soothing and beautiful.
Joan Eiding, New Jersey
Frederic Delarue music is just awesome and comes from a loving and care Heart. S
weet Blessings to him for music.
P. Newton, AZ
I have three of your albums and just ordered your latest.
I listen to your music in my vehicle exclusively and have given up on radio stations.
I was the one who had listened to country music before your album got to me.
I think the reason your music is so easy to listen to is that it seems to help focus on what is good in the world
and helps us forget stressful times we had in the past or are going through today.
Most Americans are so wrapped up in the past or daily life we forget there will be a tomorrow.
Your music helps us focus on tomorrow.
I am a Vietnam vet and know how easy it is to fall back to those stressful times.
There are a lot of men and women out there who have similar situations.
Thanks again for your great music.
A Vietnam Veteran, NV
I can't thank you enough for following your heart and passion for music. I am forever changed!!! Thank you
Sue Albright, Rancho Mirage, California
Dear Frederic,
Your music takes me into a place where I experience who I really am.
You not only touch souls, you embrace us as One. I thank you, the angels and the gift of Light you so beautifully share!
Ty Cullen, Wisconsin
Your music is magical healing!!!! It is like traveling to heaven and back. Pam Santoro, Lake Arrowhead, CA
I also see Frederic when i come to the Palm Springs area. His music is astounding
and very healing.
Elizabeth Bollinger
Your music is touching, uplifting, healing and joyful.
I am so grateful for this exquisite gift to Humanity. With Heartfelt Love,
Emma J.P., Arizona
Dolphins is the finest and most relaxing album it has ever been my pleasure to own and hear
Chris Edwards
"The vast and glorious images, experiences and knowings that have come from "The Music of Your Soul" are really beyond words.
Listening helps me remember my Soul Self and reminds me to let this expansive part of me partner with the Angelic and Divine realms in my everyday experiences and encounters. I know that this powerful gift from Frederic and the Angels is helping me
bring more peace, light and love to my heart and those around me."
Mary C. Chicoine, Des Moines, IA
I am moved very deeply every time I hear Frederic's music. WOW!
Mrs. Terry Havel
Dolphins a Message of love: Pure and simple. It is the best album. It touches you soul.
Theresa Cook
Tonight I encountered Frederic and his Spirit filled music and it touched the very depths of me.
Caroline D, Palm Springs, California
Awesome life changing experience.
Carol H., Eugene, OR
Frederic: The 4 cd's are great!!!! You are an amazing talent!!!!!!
Over the top wonderful !!!! I can go on and on !!!!!
Christine Murray, Beaumont, CA.
Frederic: I love you and your music, the angels sing when you play!
Sandi Lott, Palm Springs, California
This man enters your soul and heals you pain. He warms your heart & enables your spirits to soar.
Skip Sahota, Palm Springs, CA.
Dear Frederic,
I want you to know how your music has helped me.
Over a year ago, I fell in a store, hurt my left shoulder.
I had pain everyday. I have taken 3 or 4 aspirin at a time and a patch at night so I could sleep.
Now I am PAIN FREE and feel wonderful.
Thanks again to you, God and your angels.
Norma, Cathedral City, CA.
Dear Frederic,
I was desperate for some peace and relaxation.
I had had some severe back problems; in fact I had to close my catering business because of back pain due to
misalignment and disc damage. At first I got into a very deep relaxed state. Then my body started to shudder and
within a few seconds, my spine and all my joints felt completely aligned.
According to my chiropractor, my back is in perfect condition and shows no signs of damage.
Most important to me, I have been pain free since then.
Thanks for your help, guidance and loving kindness. May you have many, many blessings.
Kas Wysocki, San Bernardino, CA.
The last healing meditation I attended had some rather surprising results for me......
I became so relaxed, and my head filled with such...I don't know how to describe it....joy....
I slept 11 hours that night....the next morning I could play things on the guitar I could not play before....
had attempted, but couldn't do....but now can....so.....thanks to you for being the guide/channel/whatever
made that happen.... All the best to you,
Terry Graves, TX.
For a period of several years, I have experienced a nagging pain in my lower back that would at times be almost debilitating.
That evening I realized there was no longer any discomfort in my back.
Now I am free of pain. I feel richly blessed by the healing energy coming through Frederic to alleviate my pain.
Reverend Anne Greene, Sun City, California.
Dear Frederic, Thank you so much.
We have listened to your "VOYAGE OF THE SOUL" every night when we go to bed.
It helps us sleep.
When we saw you in Palm Springs in November, I was drawn to your music.
I believe my Angels led me to you, as I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer just the week before going to Palm Springs.
I had surgery on the 5th of December and while in the hospital my husband brought me your CD, and I believe it helped me
to heal so much better, because I could relax completely. I have had to have Chemotherapy but with your music in
my ears, it has made it go quickly. I feel with all of the prayers around the world has kept me at peace and I know
I have gotten rid of the cancer cells in my body.
Thanks to the Angels that guided you to America and to Palm Springs, and the Angels that guided me to you.
Ms. Betty N., San Diego, California
Dear Frederic,
Thank you for the CD for my husband. He turned it on immediately and listened.
He told me later at first his headaches got worse,then faded away.
Then his chest felt pressed together, that also faded away.
He now feels wonderful and like reborn. Love and Blessings,
Rev. Christel, Laguna Woods, California
It was a very profound experience for me.
I saw much purple behind my closed eyes, and some colors I cannot describe.
Tears flowed softly the entire time, not from sadness but because it was such a beautiful peaceful
yet deeply profound and meaningful experience. It felt like my experience that evening was a love note to me
from my helpers on the other side reminding me to, "Listen with your heart. We are here."
Frederic has been gifted with the ability to open up the channels between the "other side" and "this side."
It was a wonderful evening of inspiration for everyone. In gratitude.
Joyce Mc Williams, Los Angeles, California
Frederic Delarue is a musical composer and gifted intuitive,
who devotes a part of his time in a true gift of musical love and healing.
Frederic composes a healing and spiritually expanding tapestry of musical compositions that are designed just for you.
I like to think of Frederic's compositions as the music of your own soul.
You will receive your own personal CD composed of numerous musical tracks.
Just listen and your centers of awareness magically open.
Your life purpose is made more clear and your powers of creativity are greatly expanded.
This was one of the most meaningful experiences I have ever had.
Volker Risto, Los Angeles
Dear Frederic,
I have to tell you that I've fallen in love with track #2 in your "Voyage of the Soul" album.
It really resonates with me. I play it all the time, start my day with it and use it whenever I need an emotional light.
Sometimes I feel empowered, other times I weep because it makes me feel so much.
Thank you for your wonderful creation. Peace. Nick Schmidt, New York.
Your music is beautiful, real and full of light.
Marie Emilia Vannier, Author of "The Healer Tree," France.
Experiencing Frederic and his music he brings forth is a gift to the Soul.
I am grateful for the magic of his music.
My session of The Music Of My Soul has been life-changing for me. It is as if my angels birthed me anew.
His albums are a wondrous journey - haunting - beautiful - joyful - exquisite. Enjoy!
Diane Petrus, San Juan Capistrano, California
The Music Of My Soul took me on tour of my psyche revealing all the feelings I had associated with my name.
Identifying those feelings through musical vibrations allows for a unique and gentle emotional release.
Beth LERCH, Music Consultant, Los Angeles.
The Music Of My Soul transported me to another dimension where I reflected on past experiences…
A priceless voyage!
Juan-Carlos VIZAGA, Sous-Chef, Rancho Mirage, California
Frederic’s session was a spark-plug for my creativity… a blissful, magic carpet ride that put me in touch with my inner child.
Linda ATNIP, Author of "Miranda’s Magic Garden", Los Angeles.
When Frederic plays your song, it’s like spending the day at a spa, only there is no masseur…
An amazing, spiritual, and most of important of all, healing experience!
Dexter DAVIS, Beverly Hills.
Frederic writes, produces, and plays the music designed for you personally.
He did my CD for me - and it is IN MY SOUL. I feel it, I become it, I soar with it, and I heal with it.
Anna B., Editor, Continuum Magazine.
Just a line to tell you of my 'Healing'.
I have a Titanium hip socket with a 10" peg down my leg. Cold feet all the time due to the length of surgery.
I was deep into your music and let go to the feeling of really warm feet and body and enjoying every minute of this feeling.
You awakened my circulation system in my body. Love and Blessings.
Ms. Betty Pat Gray, Hemet, California.
© 2021 Frederic Delarue Productions - All Rights Reserved.
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